Is Your Mental Health in Good Hands with Medicare?

Medicare and Mental HealthWe’re finally starting to get into times where talking about mental health isn’t taboo anymore. People are more open than ever before about their mental health because admitting that you’re not doing well is ok! Taking steps to see someone for counseling is far more commonplace than it might have been a decade ago, and they can be the first steps to a happier life. Therapy and counseling, though, aren’t cheap affairs, […]

All You Need to Know About the Income Limit for Extra Help for Medicare

At some point or other, everyone is going to need Medicare. By the time you hit 65, it’s expected of you that you have looked through the various plans offered and begin the sign up process to get you covered federally. These plans try to optimize affordability and accessibility to get you the best coverage possible. However, they can also be pretty expensive if you don’t have much of a retirement fund. Prescription drugs especially […]

Coronavirus: Symptoms, Precautions, and Prevention

If you are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19 because of your age or because you have a serious long-term health problem, it is extra important for you to take action to reduce your risk of getting sick with the disease.First, Recognize the SymptomsBefore we go any further, make sure you are able to identify the telltale signs of Coronavirus. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association:98% of patients have a […]

What Do You Need to Know about Diabetes Medicare Costs?

Dealing with a chronic illness can be stressful and scary, especially if you don’t know how you’re going to pay for your treatment options. With the rising price of insulin, taking care of your diabetes Medicare costs seems more and more difficult. We can help show you how the right Medicare plan can relieve these worrisome money burdens. You deserve the most cost-effective coverage plan through Medicare to lead a happy and healthy life.As someone […]